I bought a lot of my furniture off of Craigslist. In fact, I consider it to be one of my greatest skills - reading between the lines of people's descriptions to decipher the truth. Always look for pictures, and select your neighborhoods carefully. The ritzier neighborhoods tend to have quality stuff that is a little more gently used.
Bottom line: I know how to play the game.
I've also moved 4 times in the last 5 years. Not that I've had the top of the line furniture but it's been treated well, and I like to think that I curated some beautiful and quirky pieces to fit my life. Not a lot, but enough. (the same cannot be said for shoes or clothes though - of those I have too many and to the consternation of my step-father)
And it's hard to not get attached to the things that you touch and rely on every day of your day-to-day life. The things that are your go to places, the place where you keep your other treasures. I spent a fair amount of time to find these pieces and I have to temper that attachment with the need to purge. I don't need many of these pieces that are around. And above all they deserve to be useful. So I've put them up on Craigslist. Not cheap enough where people will treat them as disposable, but hopefully they all find good homes.
The craziest part though is having to deal with all the Craigslist yahoos. Some key thoughts when Craigslist shopping or selling. Be fast, be fair, and don't take anything personally. Most people will waste your time with no regard. Often they don't know how to bargain the deal either. Not that I'm an expert but persuasive speech is very rarely 5 words: 'Is 'x' still available? $5?'
I respond. No shit, sherlock. It's still available. Price is firm for the time being, and your offer is insultingly low.
Come on! At least see the piece before you decide to offer 1/10th of the asking price. You don't get to own my prized chair. Or ottoman. Or anything. You will treat it like garbage - I can tell. You won't prize it. And that's what I require. That's a luxury that I have now.
Ask me in 2 weeks.
Everything may be a lot cheaper.
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